Elder Scrolls games are big and theier art is so well done, they are worth playing to just see the world the art team made. Based on the game play we did at E3, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the biggest game yet in the series. Even Bethesda has admitted the game is too big to have a demo.
With games like L.A. Noire shipping on multiple discs for Xbox 360 we assumed that Skyrim would be the same and may even span more than that games’ 3 DVDs. But we were mistaken, and somehow Bethesda has managed to fit the expansive world on to a single DVD. For 360 owners it means there will be no disc swapping, although a large hard drive install may still be on the cards.
How has Bethesda managed to fit this massive game on to a single DVD? There’s been no official explanation