Apple today revealed more details about the Apple Watch and its compatibility with Apple devices. Specifically, the Apple Watch requires iOS 8.2, which is available to the iPhone beginning today. The new operating system from Apple includes a specific app for managing and controlling the Apple Watch, which goes on sale next month. The Apple […]
Apple today announced ResearchKit, a tool for developers for collecting and gathering health-related data. The company demonstrated how apps can be used to track the symptoms and progression of major diseases, such as asthma, diabetes, Parkinson’s, breast cancer, and others. The data can be collected from iPhones, and can contain GPS data, air quality and […]
Apple said as of today it has tripled the number of locations that accept Apple Pay from 220,000 at launch to 700,000. The growth includes a large number of new retailers, 2,500 banks, and tens of thousands of vending machines. Apple today also said every major car brand has committed to adding CarPlay to their […]
AMC today announced that it has placed an initial two-season order for the long-awaited companion series to its hit comic book adaptation “The Walking Dead,” the number one show on television among adults 18-49 for going on three seasons. The new series (title to be announced) will be set in Los Angeles and focused on […]
The new trailer for “Game of Thrones” season five is here! Check it out in the player below and catch the return of the hit HBO fantasy series on April 12 at 9:00pm ET/PT, following by the season premieres of both “Silicon Valley” and “Veep.” Season 5 of “Game of Thrones” is set to premiere […]
Samsung has created a version of its Milk Music service that’s accessible from any desktop browser. Milk Music uses Slacker’s music library, but has a unique user interface for browsing through songs, albums, artists, and radio stations. It has been available as an application to Samsung devices since last year. On the web, users can […]
Microsoft has filed a lawsuit against Kyocera in which it alleges the Japanese smartphone maker is violating seven of its patents. In particular, Microsoft is targeting the Duraforce, Hydro, and Brigadier series devices. Microsoft claims these phones use Microsoft-patented technology pertaining to location services and text messaging. These devices all run Google’s Android platform. Microsoft has […]
Mar 9 2015 | Posted in
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Apple is making upgrades to its MacBook Air and 13-inch MacBook Pro lines, alongside the new MacBook line. Both lines will be getting improvements, including Broadwell-based Intel processors, bumps to Intel HD Graphics 6000 GPUs, and other improvements, with Apple shipping the updated models starting from later today. Aside from processor changes, the 13-inch MacBook […]
Apple and HBO today announced HBO Now, a new streaming service available only to Apple devices, including the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple computers. The service costs $14.99 per month and does not require an associated cable subscription. (HBO Go app, available to Apple and other platforms, does require cable subscription.) It launches in […]
On Monday, Apple CEO Tim Cook and other executives spent the majority of their time during the press event held today talking about the forthcoming Apple Watch. The company finally iterated pricing for the device, one of the biggest mysteries concerning the debut, by saying the Sport version would start at $349 ($399 for the […]