The live-action “Teen Titans” adaptation “Titans” is back on, this time with the support of superhero super-producer Greg Berlanti. “Titans” will launch on a DC-branded direct-to-consumer digital service in 2018, along with animated series “Young Justice: Outsiders,” the third season of the popular “Young Justice” series. “Titans” follows a group of young soon-to-be superheroes recruited […]
It’s the end of the road for “Powerless” — well, almost the end of the road. NBC has pulled the DC Entertainment comedy from the network’s schedule and has not yet determined where or when the final three episodes of the season will air. “Superstore,” which has already been renewed for the 2017-18 season, will […]
Nickelodeon’s adventure-comedy series Hunter Street has been officially renewed for a 20-episode Season 2. The show stars Stony Blyden, Mae Mae Renfrow, Kyra Smith, Thomas Jansen, and Daan Creyghton, as five foster children in Amsterdam who attempt to find out what happened to their disappearing foster parents, Erik (Ronald Top) and Kate Hunter (Tooske Ragas). […]
The final season of AMC’s Revolutionary War spy drama “Turn: Washington’s Spies” premieres June 17th at 9 p.m. ET with a two-hour premiere. The ten-episode final season opens with traitor Benedict Arnold (Owain Yeoman) taking his revenge on George Washington (Ian Kahn) by rounding up suspected rebel spies to impress his new British commanders. Meanwhile, […]
“Full Frontal With Samantha Bee: Not the White House Correspondents Dinner” will stream in full on Twitter following the special’s premiere on TBS. Hosted by Bee, the special will be filmed at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 29, and air the same evening on TBS at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Twitter will […]
Mark Consuelos may be joining the the CW’s “Riverdale” cast for the show’s second season as Hiram Lodge. Lodge, Veronica Lodge’s heretofore-unseen father, has been stuck in jail throughout the first season due to an embezzlement charge. Per the show’s official description, Lodge is described as a “a ruthless, handsome, charismatic businessman who is coming […]
Instagram added 100 million new monthly active users in the past four months to reach 700 million monthly active users, the Facebook-owned photo and video sharing app said on Wednesday morning. Instagram said that this was the fastest amount of time it took the mobile app to gain 100 million users. It took six months […]
Warner Bros. Pictures has announced filming began today on Crazy Rich Asians, the studio’s feature adaptation of the worldwide bestseller Kevin Kwan. Jon M. Chu (Now You See Me 2, G.I. Joe: Retaliation) is directing the contemporary romantic comedy, which features an entirely Asian international cast. The film stars Constance Wu (Fresh Off the Boat); […]
Marvel and Capcom have released an all-new story trailer for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite revealing the plot of the upcoming game that sees villains Ultron and Sigma teaming up to take down both universes! Check it out in the player below! Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite will feature a variety of exciting and accessible single player modes and rich […]
Following the return of Supergirl to the airwaves last night, The CW has released a promo for next week’s all-new episode, which sees the girl of steel going up against a new type of villain. Titled “Alex” and set to air May 1, the episode is described as follows: “Alex (Chyler Leigh) is kidnapped and […]