LG has signed a deal with broadcaster BSkyB to add Now TV to its range of smart televisions in the United Kingdom. The agreement will bring the Sky-backed streaming service to Internet-connected LG HDTVs in August, with Now TV content being exclusive to the manufacturer’s smart TV range for a minimum of 12 months.
Buyers of new LG smart TVs will have three months of free access to the range of movies on the service, according to Engadget, along with three passes that provide 24 hours of access to Sky Sports channels. Current LG smart TV, Blu-ray or other smart set-top box owners will be able to download an app for the service, albeit without the free aspect.
The Now TV movies package, which offers movies shown on the Sky Movies channels on satellite, usually costs £9 ($14) for the first three months then £15 ($23) per month thereafter. The Sports Day Pass usually costs £10 ($15).