Half-Life 3, if it exists, will not be exclusive to Valve’s SteamOS or Steam Machines, nor will Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3 or Team Fortress 3, if those games are in the works. Valve will not develop a game exclusive to SteamOS or Steam Machines, designer Greg Coomer told IGN.
“You won’t see an exclusive killer app for SteamOS from us,” Coomer said. “We’re not going to be doing that kind of thing.”
Valve spokesperson Anna Sweet added, “That would go against our whole philosophy, to launch something that’s exclusive to SteamOS or Steam Machines.”
Sweet doesn’t even want third-party games to be exclusive to Steam products: “Whenever we talk to third-party partners, we encourage them to put their games in as many places as possible, including not on our platforms. Because we think that customers are everywhere, and they want to put their games wherever customers are.”