Purchases made from iPhones and iPads reportedly accounted for more than 83 percent of online shopping from mobile devices on Christmas Day, according to data published by IBM. Owners of iOS devices also outspent their Android-touting counterparts by a factor of nearly 2:1, with average purchases of approximately $94 versus $48 per order.
The latest IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark Report echoes several other reports pointing to a higher level of actual usage for iOS devices. The usage data contrasts with device market-share comparisons, which tend to show Android in the lead.
“Smartphones drove 28.5 percent of all online traffic compared to tablets at 18.1 percent, making it the browsing device of choice,” IBM adds. “When it comes to making the sale, tablets drove 19.4 percent of all online sales, more than twice that of smartphones, which accounted for 9.3 percent.”
IBM also points to a general increase in mobile traffic and online sales over the holiday season, with mobile traffic reportedly accounting for 48 percent of all online traffic. When split by platform, iOS again shows more browsing with 32.6 percent of all traffic vs. Android at 14.8 percent.