Peter Weir’s 1998 comedy-drama The Truman Show is heading to the small screen. The Wrap reports that the property is being developed by Paramount’s new television division, Paramount TV, which just hired Jason Fisher as head of production.
Jim Carrey starred in the original film, which was scripted by Andrew Niccol (Gattaca, In Time). It follows the life of Jim Carrey’s Truman Burbank, a man who, as a baby, was legally purchased by the US Government and now lives his life in a state-of-the-art arcological dome that broadcasts his every waking moment. Truman, however, has no idea that he’s the world’s biggest television star.
In many ways, television seems a logical place for “The Truman Show,” although it remains to be seen exactly what approach will be taken in adapting the property. Check back for details as they become available.