Mark Sheppard has been promoted to series regular status for season ten of “Supernatural,” The CW announced Friday. The English character actor has seen his role as Crowley, the cunning King of Hell, expanded in recent seasons of the cult drama, and played a major part in the events of the season nine finale, which ended with Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) being transformed into a demon under Crowley’s watchful eye.
A genre TV staple for many years, Sheppard has appeared in everything from “Battlestar Galactica,” “Doctor Who” and “Firefly” to “White Collar,” “The X-Files” and “24″ over the course of his career. He has recurred on “Supernatural” in various capacities since his introduction in season five.
Sheppard’s promotion comes days after it was announced that Misha Collins, who plays the angel Castiel, has also been tapped as a series regular for season ten. Collins had a recurring role in seasons four and eight, and was a regular in seasons five, six and nine.
“Supernatural” was among a number of CW shows to receive an early renewal this year. A spinoff was in contention at the network but ultimately did not go to series. The CW is reportedly considering other spinoff opportunities as the show enters its tenth year.