During a media event held on Thursday, Lenovo introduced a smart glasses prototype that looks similar to Google Glass except for the dangling battery perched on the user’s neck. Unfortunately, additional details regarding the smart glasses won’t be revealed until October. However, the specs are part of Lenovo’s New Business Development (NBD) partner platform aimed at producing products such as smart glasses, wireless routers, air purifiers and more.
Lenovo wants to partner with manufacturers to work on devices for the Internet of Things (IoT), according to a report by the IDG News Service. Lenovo wants to not only work directly with device makers to create connected gadgets, but to invest in tech companies developing IoT devices other than smartphones and tablets. That’s where the NBD comes in.
Chen Xudong, Lenovo senior vice president, confirmed that the company can’t build all these products independently and hope they sell. There are just too many kinds of IoT devices to be developed, he said, adding that “not one company can do it all.”
The NBD partner program will provide hardware research, funding, manufacturing and “other logistical support” to manufacturers. Currently, this program will focus on the Chinese market, but Lenovo will likely use it to launch products internationally.