Two more Alcatel OneTouch smartphones have surfaced, following its IFA launches with the pair of budget-priced mobile devices heading to T-Mobile. The Fierce 2 has a 5-inch 960×540 display and a quad-core 1.2GHz processor, while the lower-specification Evolve 2 has a smaller four-inch WVGA display with a dual-core 1.3GHz processor.
The Fierce 2 ships with 1GB of RAM and 4GB of storage, expandable via microSD by up to 32GB, along with a 5-megapixel rear camera able to record 720p video and a 0.3-megapixel front version. The Android 4.4 device doesn’t have LTE, but it does include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, while its battery is said to provide power for up to 6 hours of talk time. The Fierce 2 is on sale now from the carrier, priced at $126 off-contract, or for $5.25 per month over 24 months.
Alcatel OneTouch Fierce 2
The cheaper Evolve 2 has relatively similar internals to the Fierce 2, with a rear 5-megapixel camera, a front-facing counterpart, and 4GB of expandable storage, though the RAM is a lower 512MB. Even so, it has the same Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, quad-band 3G service, and battery life as its more-expensive stablemate. The Evolve 2 is being sold for $79.20 full-price, or $3.30 per month for two years.
Alcatel OneTouch Evolve 2