Following the recent controversy surrounding Milo Manara’s variant cover for “Spider-Woman” #1, the famed erotic artist’s name has popped up again — this time because of Marvel variant covers that might never be seen.
Diamond Comic Distributors revealed recently that two upcoming variant covers — one for “Thor” #2 and another for “Avengers and X-Men: AXIS” #1 — have had Manara’s name removed from their credits. “Avengers and X-Men: AXIS” #1’s variant will instead be handled by Siya Oum, while the variant for “Thor” #2, the second issue featuring the new female Thor, does not yet have an artist attached.
The news comes just a little over a month after Manara’s variant for “Spider-Woman” #1 drew heavy criticism for its depiction of the titular character. Marvel has not yet responded to any requests for comment on the removal of the variants.