Rodea The Sky Soldier has had a somewhat tortured development period. Originally slated for the Wii and overseen by Sonic creator Yuji Naka, the game has since been rebooted for the 3DS and Wii U under the eyes of Kadokawa Games when Naka bailed on the project.
The fact that Rodea is getting a release at all is cause for celebration, but we’ve further good news – according to Kadokawa Games president Yoshimi Yasuda – who has been speaking to Famitsu – a western release also seems to be on the cards:
It took some time to deliver [Rodea] to everyone, but the Nintendo 3DS, Wii U and Wii versions were rebooted. I think that we can share some sort of notification of a overseas release in the near future, so overseas users please look forward to it.