JetBlue has announced that, starting next week, passengers will be able to pay for items such as food and beverages in-flight using Apple Pay. Items range from amenities like headsets and food items, to upgrading to a premium seat. The service will begin with cross-country flights between New York and California, then expand to other routes. Flight attendants will use Apple’s iPad mini, which will be specially encased to take credit cards as well.
Apple’s SVP for Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue said that the move would “put pressure on the other guy,” accelerating the adoption of the technology on other airlines. “”Most people would prefer not to carry cash or worry about cash. There’s a lot of opportunity there,” he said in reference to other airlines and travel services, in a discussion with USA Today.
He confirmed that the Apple Watch would work with the system as well, once available, and that the airline should have all routes covered for Apple Pay by June. Receipts would be emailed to customers rather than printed. Other mobile payment systems like Google Wallet will be considered “down the road.”