Sunday night, Samsung kicked off its CES news by launching the NX10 camera. The camera is its first mirrorless pro body and, like Micro Four Thirds Camera, holds a DSLR-sized sensor (APS-C) and uses swappable lenses but is thinner and lighter than DSLR due to losing the mirror.
Light sensitivity on the 14.6-megapixel CMOS camera ranges between ISO 100 and 3,200. The AMOLED preview screen provides high color accuracy and contrast while gaining wider angle for people to view the screen
HD is a major selling point of of the NX10 as it can shoot 720p videos in H.264 and has an HDMI output; image stabilization is available through the lens, and the sensor has automatic dust removal.
Samsung hopes to ship the NX10 this spring but has not share packages and pricing at this time.