You still have to wait two more weeks to get your “Arrow” fix, The CW has released the first batch of promo photos from the next episode of the series which you can check out below.
Titled “The Offer,” the episode is officially described as follows:
“Still weighed down by his last meeting with Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable), Oliver returns home to find a new villain and his crew have started terrorizing Starling City – Michael Amar AKA Murmur (guest star Adrian Glynn McMorran), a man whose mouth has been sewn shut. Meanwhile, Laurel and Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) bond over their issues with their fathers and Nyssa make Laurel an offer. Thea is forced to come to terms with her father after Oliver brings Malcom to the loft to recover, and Lance shuts out both Laurel and the Arrow.”
Directed by Dermott Downs and written by Beth Schwartz & Brian Ford Sullivan, “The Offer” is set to air March 18. “Arrow” airs Wednsdays at 8 P.M. EST.