Apple’s own Digital Camera RAW Compatibility plug-in for its photo applications has been updated to version 6.04, and adds several Canon, Hasselblad, Nikon, and Panasonic cameras to its list of RAW file type support, along with individual models of Fujifilm, Leica, Olympus, and Pentax cameras.
Specifically, the update — which requires only OS X 10.10 or later, and supports iPhoto, Photos, and Aperture in their Yosemite incarnations — adds support for the Canon EOS 5DS and 5DS R, EOS Rebel T6i (also known as the 750D or Kiss X8i), and EOS Rebel T6s (also known as the 760D or Kiss 8000D); the Fujifilm X-A2; the Hasselblad CFV-50c and H5D-50c; the Leica C (type 112); the Nikon 1 S2 and D7200; the Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II; the Panasonic Lumix CM1 and DMC-GF7; and the Pentax MX-1. The update is available through the Mac App Store, or directly from Apple’s Support software downloads page.