Ahead of its launch of 24 new series, beginning this week with Batman Bey0nd, The Omega Man and Midnighter, DC Comics is kicking off a digital sale it calls its biggest ever.
Throughout June, the publisher will roll out more than 1,200 digital comics for 99 cents each as part of its “New DC Universe Sale.” It all starts Tuesday with Week 1, featuring more than 600 issues from the New 52, with titles ranging from Aquaman to Batgirl to Harley Quinn.
With Week 2 (June 9-15), DC delves a little deeper into its catalog, with comics featuring stories of characters like Bat-Mite, Starfire, the Omega Men, Robin and Dr. Fate, all of whom play starring roles in the post-Convergence landscape. And Week 3 (June 16-22) brings tales of Bizarro, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Prez and more.
The sale extends across DC Digital Store, iBooks, comiXology, Google Play, Kindle Store, Nook Store and iVerse ComicsPlus. You can see a complete rundown of the featured comics below:
The New DC Universe Sale Week 1 (6/2 – 6/8)
- Aquaman: Aquaman (2011-) #1-38
- Deathstroke: Deathstroke (2011) #1-20, Deathstroke (2014) #1-6
- Justice League: Justice League (2011-) #1-38
- The Flash: The Flash (2011-) #1-38
- Green Arrow: Green Arrow (2011-) #1-38
- New Suicide Squad: Suicide Squad (2011-) #1-30, New Suicide Squad #1-6
- Lobo: Lobo (2014-) #1-4
- Secret Six: Secret Six (2014-) #1
- Teen Titans: Teen Titans (2011-) #1-30, Teen Titans (2014-) #1-6
- Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman (2011-) #1-38
- Action Comics: Action Comics (2011-) #1-38
- Superman: Superman (2011-) #1-37
- Superman/Wonder Woman: Superman/Wonder Woman (2012-) #1-15
- Batman/Superman: Batman/Superman (2013-) #1-18
- Batman: Batman (2011-) #1-38
- Batgirl: Batgirl (2011-) #1-34
- Catwoman: Catwoman (2011-) #1-38
- Detective Comics: Detective Comics (2011-) #1-38
- Gotham by Midnight: Gotham by Midnight (2014-) #1-3
- Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn (2013-) #1-14
- Green Lantern: Green Lantern (2011-) #1-38
- Sinestro: Sinestro (2014-) #1-9
The New DC Universe Sale Week 2 (6/9 – 6/15)
- Justice League of America: JLA (1997-2006) #47-54
- Bat-Mite: Batman #672-674, 678-680
- Batman Beyond: Futures End #1-52, Batman Beyond (2010) #1-6
- Dr. Fate: Doctor Fate (1987) #1-4, Doctor Fate (1988-1992) #1-41
- Green Lantern: The Lost Army: Green Lantern Corps (2011) #1-40
- Justice League 3001: Justice League 3000 #1-15
- The Omega Men: Omega Men (2006) #1-6, Green Lantern (1976-) #141-144, Omega Men (1983) #1-38, DC Comics Presents (1978-1983) #89, Green Lantern (1976-1986) #161, Omega Men (1983-1986) Annuals 1 and 2.
- Robin: Son of Batman: Batman & Robin (2011) #1-40, Robin Rises Omega #1, Robin Rises Alpha #1, Batman, Incorporated (2012) #1-13
- Section 8: Hitman #1-40
- Starfire: Red Hood and the Outlaws #1-40, DC Universe Presents (2011-) #18
The New DC Universe Sale Week 3 (6/16 – 6/22)
- Bizarro: Forever Evil #1-7, Action Comics #855-857
- Black Canary: Birds of Prey (2011) #1-34
- Constantine: The Hellblazer: Justice League Dark #1-40, Constantine #1-23
- Doomed: Superman: Doomed #1-2, Supergirl (2011) #34-35
- Earth 2: Society: Earth 2 #1-32
- Harley Quinn & Power Girl: Power Girl #1-27
- Martian Manhunter: Stormwatch (2011) #1-19, Justice League of America (2013) #1-14, Martian Manhunter(1998-2001) #0-36
- Midnighter: Stormwatch (2011) #20-30, Midnighter (2007-2008) #1-20
- Prez: Prez (1974) #1-4
- Red Hood/Arsenal: Arsenal (1998-) 1-4, DC Universe Presents (2011-) #17
- We Are… Robin: Batman Eternal #1-52