Sony Electronics today introduced its new flagship full-frame mirrorless camera, the 42.4MP α7R II. The new α7R II interchangeable lens camera features a back-illuminated full-frame Exmor R CMOS sensor1, sensitivity expandable up to ISO 102400, and high speed AF response which Sony claims is up to 40 percent faster than the original α7R thanks to 399 focal plane phase detection auto focus points.
The 42.4 MP sensor combines gapless on-chip lens design and anti-reflective coating on the surface of the sensor’s glass seal to improve light collection efficiency, resulting in high sensitivity with low-noise performance and wide dynamic range. This allows the camera to shoot at an ISO range of 100 to 25600 that is expandable to ISO 50 to 102400.
The camera also includes a 5-axis image stabilization system borrowed from the α7 II model and can shoot and record 4K video in multiple formats including Super 35mm without pixel binning, and full-frame format. Additionally, it has a newly refined XGA OLED Tru-Finder with 0.78x viewfinder magnification.
In Super 35mm mode, the camera collects information from approximately 1.8x as many pixels as 4K by using full pixel readout without pixel binning. The camera over-samples the information to produce 4K movies with minimal moire. In full-frame mode, the α7R II utilizes the full width of the 35mm sensor for 4K recording. The camera utilizes the XAVC S7 codec during video shooting, which records at a bit rate of 100 Mbps during 4K recording and 50 Mbps during full HD shooting.
The new α7R II camera is Wi-Fi and NFC compatible and fully functional with Sony’s PlayMemories Mobile application available for Android and iOS platforms, as well as Sony’s growing range of PlayMemories Camera Apps. A new “Angle Shift add-on” app allows users to add pan, tilt and zoom to time-lapse images without any additional shooting equipment or PC software required.
The Sony α7R II full-frame interchangeable lens camera will be available in August for about $3200.