Intel has formally launched the first processors in its second-generation of 14nm process products, following Broadwell. Codenamed Skylake, the new chips will include sixth-generation Core i3, i5, i7, and Core M processor options, but the first two releases under the banner are high-specification units aimed at gamers and enthusiasts: the quad-core Core i7-6700K and the quad-core i5-6600K.
Skylake uses a slightly different microarchitecture to Broadwell, allowing it to increase performance, but the bulk of the benefits will lie in its power consumption. The processors will be more efficient than in previous generations, allowing it to run cooler as well as conserving battery life by up to 30 percent, though it will still offer processing increases and better 3D performance. Wireless connectivity and other mobile-friendly improvements have also been touted, with Intel expected to offer more details about the platform next month.
The Core i5-6600K and Core i7-6700K offer a base frequency of 3.5GHz and 4.0GHz respectively, with a max turbo frequency of up to 3.9GHz and 4.2GHz, reports Bit-Tech. The Core i5 offers four threads for the four cores, and a 6MB cache, while the Core i7 boosts the thread count to eight, with an 8MB cache. Both offer 16 PCI Express 3.0 lanes, a TDP of 91W, and support for two-channel DDR4-2133 and DDR3L-1600 memory. To make the chips more attractive to performance enthusiasts, they both carry the K denotation, meaning they are unlocked and can be easily overclocked.
In order to use the new processors, users will have to acquire a compatible motherboard using the LGA1151 socket type, though enthusiast-level cooling systems for LGA115x sockets are still likely to function without too much trouble. Intel intends the chips to be used with boards using the Z170 Express chipset, which offers up to 20 PCI Express 3.0 lanes, 10 USB 3.0 and 14 USB 2.0 ports, gigabit Ethernet MAC, six SATA ports, eSata, and support for Intel’s Rapid Storage technology.
Intel has yet to provide a release date for the Core i7-6700K and Core i5-6600K, but they are expected to be sold to consumers for $350 and $243 respectively.