Released in Japan earlier this week, Gal Gun: Double Peace is set to receive a worldwide release on PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4 , Inti Creates announced today.
After being “completely blown away by the outpouring of love and support for this franchise from the fans outside of Japan,” Inti Creates decided it was time for everyone to experience Gal Gun.
Going “full-steam ahead on this project,” Inti Creates talked about where they are in the development process:
Right now we are at the beginning stages of the this project, which means we are now searching for a publisher to work with to bring this game to you. As of right now, we are aiming to release the game on PlayStation 4 and PS Vita just like we did here in Japan. Since it is the newest game in the series, we want to being Gal*Gun: Double Peace to you first. If the game is as successful as we hope it will be, that could open the door to other possibilities for the franchise.
You can check out the trailer below: