Doron Ofir Casting and VH1 mailed us here at TOT a casting call for their new series End the Drama. So if you are a woman who is at least 25 years old and has always wanted to be on Reality TV here is your chance.
Doron Ofir Casting and VH1 are seeking women who are at least 25 years old who are looking to wipe their slate clean and get a “Fresh Start”. This brand-new series will follow a group of women who have endured a major hardship, as they help each other get a new lease on life.
Life can be difficult; things happen to you, mistakes are made, bad choices, pain, heartbreak, betrayal, regret or overcoming a medical condition. Family, work, love, fate! Sometimes you just need an opportunity to start over. Here is your chance.
Check your past at the door, and enter a world without responsibilities, rules, or regrets. This is the time to finally put your happiness first so you can create a solid foundation on which to build the rest of your life.
If you have a troubled past and have wished for a new beginning now is the time to benefit from the most exciting therapy of all: having fun. Misery may just become the best company!
If this sounds like your thing, you can apply at