V-Jump shared the latest look at Dragon Quest Builders with some footage of the PlayStation Vita version of the game. Here’s a look at the gameplay video.
According to producer Noriyoshi Fujimoto, both PlayStation 4 and PS Vita versions of the game have the exact same content, the only difference being that the PS4 version displays much more detailed backgrounds compared to the Vita (draw distance is shorter on Vita). It is also mentioned that that the game is still in development, and will continue being optimized to look better.
Zotac uses a fan inside of the BI323 to cool the system, which may allow it to maintain its boosted clocked speed longer, but at the cost of being slightly louder. The CI323 nano will be quieter than the BI323, as it is passively cooled; when paired with an SSD instead of an HDD, it should be completely silent.
The CI323 nano system also contains a few extra features such as having an additional USB 2.0 port and dual-NICs.