Nintendo to Make Mysterious Announcement on Monday

Posted by at 5:48 pm on December 7, 2015

Question MarkThe Nintendo Direct last month was arguably the first time the Big N had any major news to share since E3. Ever since, hype levels have come back down to normal levels, without too many surprise announcements to be had. While it’s still unknown when the next
Nintendo Direct will be taking place, it seems that some kind of major Nintendo announcement is one the horizon.

Damon Baker – NOA Senior Manager of Licensing and Marketing – was recently taking part in Nintendo World Report’s podcast when he shared the news. Here’s exactly what he had to say:

“Speaking of announcements, I wish I could tell you guys, but stay tuned for Monday. Monday there’s going to be something… something happening on Monday. It’s going to be big.”

In the Nintendo Direct, it was confirmed that there would be one last Super Smash Bros. Direct in December, so perhaps it could be something relating to that. Or, perhaps it’s related to the major news that CoroCoro alluded to in last month’s issue. Only time will tell.

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