Twitter said it will do more to protect users from abuse and harassment with new rules meant to more clearly define what it considers abusive and hateful.
“Twitter will not tolerate behavior intended to harass, intimidate, or use fear to silence another user’s voice,” said company representative Megan Cristina in a blog post. “As always, we embrace and encourage diverse opinions and beliefs — but we will continue to take action on accounts that cross the line into abuse.”
Twitter says it has given users new tools to mute, block, or report abusive accounts, broadened what it considers abuse, and has invested in policy enforcement in order to take action. Twitter may block abusive users for a short period of time, or ask them to confirm a phone number or email address, or suggest abusers delete offensive tweets in order to help them learn what’s appropriate and what isn’t.
“Protection from abuse and harassment is a vital part of empowering people to freely express themselves on Twitter.”
The company is encouraging users of the social network to take advantage of the expanded tool set if/when necessary to help curb abuse.