According to Variety, Emma Stone (Birdman, The Amazing Spider-Man) is attached to star as Rose Marie Kennedy in Letters from Rosemary. The biopic was written as a spec script by first-time screenwriter Nick Yarborough, which ended up on the coveted Black List of unproduced screenplays.
Rose Marie “Rosemary” Kennedy was the eldest sister of President John F. Kennedy and senators Robert F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy, and was secretly diagnosed with a mental disability. At age 23 she was given a lobotomy that left her permanently incapacitated.
Recent Spotlight Best Picture winners Steve Golin and Doug Wald of Anonymous Content will produce Letters from Rosemary alongside Allard Cantor, Jared Murray and Richard Arlook.
Stone was recently tapped to co-star in Anonymous Content’s proposed TV series Maniac alongside Jonah Hill, and will team up once again with frequent co-star Ryan Gosling in Damien Chazelle’s December musical La La Land.