New Titanfall 2 Trailer Shows Respawn’s Plan for Single-Player Campaign

Posted by at 12:00 pm on October 12, 2016


The original Titanfall was almost entirely a multiplayer affair, so it’s really interesting to see Electronic Arts putting so much focus on the campaign inĀ Titanfall 2. The latest trailer lays out EA’s “vision” for single-player gameplay from the perspective of both Pilot and Titan, each of which brings unique and complementary capabilities to the field of battle.

“Variety” is the key, according to the trailer’s description on YouTube and the narrators within. Pilots are fast, nimble, but very squishy, while Titans are comparatively tough, hulking, and heavily-armed; they also appear to be a little more autonomous than I would’ve expected, but we’ll have to see how that plays out over the course of the campaign. Level design is equally important: Along with the usual gunfire and explosions, they’ll also feature “puzzle mechanics” that will force players to “stop and think about the environment” in order to progress.

Titanfall 2 comes out on October 28.

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