The upcoming fourth season of the CW period drama Reign will be its last. The series is currently in production on its 16-episode fourth season, which will allow producers time to give viewers a proper conclusion to the story of Mary Queen of Scots. The fourth season launches on The CW in February, meaning the drama is tentatively set to wrap in June.
Laurie McCarthy and Stephanie SenGupta created Reign, with the former also serving as showrunner. The two executive produced the CBS Television Studios project with Brad Silberling, John Weber and Frank Siracusa. Reign is one of three series Siberling has at The CW, the others being Jane the Virgin and first-year drama No Tomorrow. The network opted not to pick up any further episodes of the latter, which will end its run early next year just as Reign’s final season gets underway.
Although a steady performer, Reign never drew large ratings for The CW. The historical drama was moved to Fridays at the beginning of season three, and will air again on Fridays this coming season. In addition to Reign, The CW also is preparing to say farewell to The Vampire Diaries, which will end its eight-season run next year.