Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker, Captain America: Civil War) and Hannibal Buress (The Eric Andre Show, The Secret Life of Pets) are in talks to join the upcoming Tag movie, according to Variety. They’ll join Ed Helms (The Hangover, The Office) in the film that will be directed by Jeff Tomsic (This is Not Happening, I’m Having a Difficult Time Killing My Parents). The Tag movie script was written by Mark Steilen and Rob McKitrrick.
The New Line comedy is based on a true story “about a group of friends who have been playing a no-holds-barred version of the children’s game tag for the last 30 years.” The story was featured in a Wall Street Journal in 2013. In “Tag Brothers,” we learned about 10 class mates from Gonzaga Preparatory School in Spokane, WA. 23 years after school, they played the game, secretly entering each other’s homes and scheduling their vacations around the game. Renner and Buress will reportedly play part of the gang.
Tag will be produced by Tod Garner, Steilen and Sean Robbins.
Renner is known for his roles in films like Mission: Impossible, American Hustle and last year’s Academy Award-nominated alien contact film Arrival. He’s also known for playing Hawkeye in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Buress is known for roles in Neighbors and the TV series Broad City. He’ll next be seen in Baywatch and Spider-Man: Homecoming. Helms is known for his work on shows like Arrested Development and The Office.