The BBC has confirmed that actor John Simm will return as the Master in the upcoming 10th season of the modern version of Doctor Who. He’ll join stars Peter Capaldi who plays the Twelfth Doctor, the new companion Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie), and Nardole (Matt Lucas) on the show.
John Simm said:
“I can confirm that it’s true, thanks to the power of time travel I’m back. It’s always a pleasure to work with this great team of people and I can’t wait for you all to see what the Master gets up to in the next series.“
Steven Moffat, writer and executive producer, said:
“Nothing stays secret for long on Doctor Who but you’ll have to wait a little bit longer to see exactly what the Master is up to and how he makes his return to face the Doctor. It’s been a huge pleasure to have fan favourites John Simm and Michelle Gomez face to face in the same role! It’s not often you get to see a solo personality clash.”
This season, we’ll see the return of the Daleks, the Ice Warriors and the Mondasian Cybermen who haven’t been seen in 50 years, when they first appeared on Doctor Who season 1. We’re also getting Emojibots in season 10.
Doctor Who returns to BBC and BBC America with “The Pilot” on Saturday, April 15, 2017.