TBS has renewed the Jason Jones-led comedy series “The Detour” for Season 3, the network announced Tuesday. Created, written and executive-produced by Jones and Samantha Bee, the series also stars Natalie Zea, Ashley Gerasimovich, Liam Carroll and Daniella Pineda. Season 2 will end tonight with two back-to-back episodes.
“I hear from so many people who love ‘The Detour,’ even my hardcore comedy friends,” said Thom Hinkle, senior vice president of original programming for TBS. “Season Two has been so smart, hilarious and wrong. And from the early nuggets I’ve gotten from Jason and Sam, Season Three is going to be even more effed up.”
The series centers on a family of four led by Nate (Jones) and his wife, Robin (Zea). At the opening of the second season, Nate pursues a job opportunity and moves the family to New York City for a fresh start. Everyone is excited except for Robin, whose mysterious past may catch up with her. While Nate and Robin adjust to their new lives, children Jared (Carroll) and Delilah (Gerasimovich) dive headfirst into adolescence.
In addition to its regular cast, the second season featured a number of special guests, including series executive producer and co-creator Bee, James Cromwell, John Oliver, Laura Benanti, Jeffrey Vincent Parise and Max Casella. The series is executive produced by Jones, Bee, Brennan Shroff and Tony Hernandez.