IM Global Television, Eliza Dushku, and David S. Goyer will develop a television adaptation of “The Black Company” based on Glen Cook’s fantasy series. Dushku’s Boston Diva Productions optioned the ten-book fantasy series, with Dushku set to star as sorceress “The Lady.”
The adaptation will include the forthcoming book “Port of Shadows,” which takes place between the first and second books in the series. The stories follow the Black Company, a mercenary unit that carries out nefarious deeds across a Tolkeinesque landscape, often at the behest of The Lady in order to maintain her power. When the men of the company discover that the embodiment of good has been reborn, they must re-examine their loyalties. David S. Goyer and Kevin Turen will executive produce, as well as Dushku, Nate Dushku, Ami Lourie — all of Boston Diva — and Sam Maydew of Silver Lining Entertainment.