Rebellion, the studio behind the Sniper Elite series, has unveiled its latest project for Xbox One: Strange Brigade. Alongside a short announcement, Rebellion outed a reveal trailer that gives a peek into the adventure to come. You can check it out below.
In Strange Brigade, you play as part of the titular group of adventurers, embarking on a search for treasure and hidden civilizations around the British Empire. But as you explore, things take a dive into the supernatural.
If you somehow survive the mind-bending puzzles and dastardly traps of this ancient world, doom still awaits you in the shadows — a truly petrifying army of mythological menaces stands in your way, unleashed by an Egyptian witch queen so nefarious they wiped her from the hieroglyphs.
This is only a small look at what to expect, but Strange Brigade looks like it will serve up some pretty fun gameplay in a sort of wackier take on the Tomb Raider style. You can even invite three friends to join you on your adventure as the Brigade. There’s no release date yet available, but we’ll likely learn more about Strange Brigade at E3 and in the coming months.