Hulu has given a series order to a new high school comedy series from AwesomenessTV. The 10-episode half-hour series titled All Night follows a group of teens at an overnight, lock-in graduation party, at which the new grads will do whatever it takes to make their remaining high school dreams come true. The series is expected to launch on Hulu in 2018.
The large ensemble cast features: Chris Avila, Brec Bassinger, Chanel Celaya, Ty Doran, Teala Dunn, Allie Grant, Caleb Ray, Eva Gutowski, Tetona Jackson, Gus Kamp, Tom Maden, Jenn McAllister, Austin North, Tequan Richmond, Chester Rushing, Jake Short, Chance Sutton, Noureen DeWulf as ‘Mrs. Lewis,’ Kate Flannery, and Dawan Owens.
The series is created and executive produced by Jason Ubaldi, directed and executive produced by Brian Dannelly, executive produced by Shelley Zimmerman, Jordan Levin, Brett Bouttier and Joe Davola. Ali Schouten is supervising producer. This marks the second series from AwesomenessTV to be available exclusively on Hulu. The other is Freakish, which has a second season launching on Oct. 18.