Ajit Pai, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, has cancelled his upcoming appearance at CES, less than one week before the international consumer electronics trade show gets underway in Las Vegas. But one report on Thursday suggested that Pai may have changed his plans because of death threats he had received that were “linked specifically to the Vegas itinerary.” *
Pai was scheduled to take part in a “candid conversation” alongside the FTC’s acting chairwoman Maureen Ohlhausen. Show organizers did not disclose a reason for the sudden cancellation.
“Unfortunately, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai is unable to attend CES 2018,” the Consumer Technology Association said in a statement. “We look forward to our next opportunity to host a technology policy discussion with him before a public audience.”
While Pai’s policies, particularly the recent reversal of 2015 net neutrality rules, are exceedingly unpopular amongst many CES exhibitors and attendees, his panel was set to be moderated by Consumer Technology Association president Gary Shapiro, who supported the FCC’s decision to scrap rules that regulated broadband companies.
Three other FCC commissioners — Brendan Carr, Michael O’Rielly, and Mignon Clyburn — are scheduled to attend a separate panel previewing the 2018 regulatory environment. But Pai’s decision is curious. He has attended the past six CES shows and his predecessor, Tom Wheeler, attended frequently as well.
*This post was edited to include late breaking information about Pai’s apparent reason for cancelling his attendance…apparently rugged individualism doesn’t include facing down potential assassins.