India has adopted recommendations by the Telecom Regulatory Association of India (TRAI) to enact net neutrality which might the most powerful in the world. This comes at a time in the US we are taking a step backwards on Net Neutrality. Even with senators such as Maria Cantwell and Chuck Schumer, fight to keep the Internet open to all. It is worth noting President Trump has put forth Circuit Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill Justice Anthony Kennedy’s seat on the Supreme Court, which Wired has done a story about his less than positive views when comes to Net Neutrality. He also not that great on privacy too.
“The Telecom Commission (TC) today approved net neutrality as recommended by Trai expect some critical services will be kept out of its purview,” said Telecom Secretary Aruna Sundararajan.
“Any deviations and violations of the rules of net neutrality — which come into effect almost immediately — will be met with stiff penalties,” telecom secretary Aruna Sundarajan told Indian reporters.
Net neutrality means service providers must treat all traffic equally, and not charge differently based on content. The recommendations explicitly forbid operators from throttling data speeds for any online service, and mandates all content be treated the same Net neutrality is considered a cornerstone of a free and open internet that provides equal access to all and bans “any form” of data discrimination.