The Voice is getting a digital companion series, titled Comeback Stage, that gives contestants the chance to re-enter the singing competition in the Top 13. Country music star Kelsea Ballerini will be the companion series’ “fifth coach,” mentoring six artists who auditioned for Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton during the Blind Auditions but didn’t make it onto a team.
These Comeback Artists will be paired into three Battle Pairings, and then go head-to-head in a Battle Round. Ballerini will determine the winner of each Battle Round, who will then move forward into the Comeback Stage Finals. Ballerini will choose two winners from that round, who will then perform live for America’s vote.
The Live Playoffs will air live on Tuesday, Nov. 13, featuring the two final Comeback Artists back on The Voice stage. Whoever wins will be able to choose their team and continue on in the competition.
Fans can watch Comeback Stage on YouTube, The Voice Official App, IGTV (Instagram), Facebook and Previews of each episode will air during “The Voice” on Sept. 24-25, Oct. 1-2, Oct. 8-9, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct. 29 and Nov. 5.