Zoombak today launched the Zoombak mobile app for the BlackBerry platform. The app allows Zoombak’s customers to easily locate their tracking devices from a BlackBerry mobile phone. It is now available free of charge via RIM’s official BlackBerry App World and optimized for all Blackberry Storm, Curve and Tour devices.
Zoombak customers can use the BlackBerry app to find their Zoombak devices on-demand, in real-time. When a user clicks “Find Now”, the current location of their Zoombak device is displayed on a street map, along with detailed location information including city, state, date, time and latitude/longitude data. “Continuous Tracking” mode lets people receive alerts in five-minute intervals with Zoombak’s current location, for up to an hour. Users can easily manage and locate multiple Zoombak devices from the BlackBerry app interface.
The Zoombak BlackBerry Tracking App supports the following models: BlackBerry Curve 8310, 8320, 8330, 8520, 8900, BlackBerry 8800/8830, BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220, 8230, 8520, BlackBerry Bold 9000, 9700, BlackBerry Tour 9630.