Legendary daytime-TV personality Jerry Springer, whose eponymous show ran for 27 seasons, will next preside over syndicated courtroom program Judge Jerry, TVLine has confirmed. A nationwide debut is set for fall 2019.
According to the official logline, Judge Jerry will find Springer transitioning “from the stage to behind the bench, using law and order to settle disputes on his new show.” Springer “will take on actual cases from real people,” and “render a verdict with a fair yet firm hand and always leave litigants with a dose of classic Springer wisdom.”
“For the first time in my life, I am going to be called honorable,” Springer said in a statement. “My career is coming full circle and I finally get to put my law degree to use after all these years.”
Springer did in fact began his career as a lawyer, having received his law degree from Northwestern University. He then practiced law for 15 years, before he transitioned to a career in politics. He served on the Cincinnati City Council for five terms, and was elected mayor of Cincinnati at the age of 33. He then began his career in television, and was discovered by executives while serving as anchor and managing editor at NBC’s Cincinnati affiliate, WLWT.
“Judge Jerry will merge Jerry’s talent for connecting with people, his incredibly relatable and funny personality and his legal training and governing experience to bring viewers a more entertaining court show,” Tracie Wilson, exec VP of Creative Affairs at NBCUniversal TV Distribution, said. “We are so happy to continue our fantastic partnership with Jerry, who is a proven TV icon with a dedicated and broad fan base.”
Judge Jerry will be filmed in front of a studio audience at the Stamford Media Center in Connecticut, home to fellow NBCU talk shows The Steve Wilkos Show and Maury.