AMC announced today that renowned actor, producer, author and activist George Takei will join the second season of the critically acclaimed, Ridley Scott-produced anthology series, The Terror, as a consultant and series regular. The network previously announced actor Derek Mio will star in the series as Chester Nakayama; Josef Kubota Wladyka (Narcos) will direct the first two episodes. Production is scheduled to begin in January in Vancouver. Season two will air on AMC in 2019 with ten episodes.
Set during World War II, the second season of The Terror centers on a series of bizarre deaths that haunt a Japanese-American community, and a young man’s journey to understand and combat the malevolent entity responsible. Season two is co-created and executive produced by Alexander Woo (True Blood), who also serves as showrunner, and Max Borenstein (Kong: Skull Island, Godzilla).
Made famous for his role as Hikaru Sulu in the legendary science fiction series Star Trek, George Takei’s career spans more than six decades in film, television and the stage. As a child, Takei was imprisoned in two Japanese-American internment camps after the outbreak of World War II. His personal experience and knowledge of this chapter in U.S. history led him to become a leading figure and activist for social justice. As a consultant, Takei will work closely with the executive producers to ensure the accuracy of historical events and storytelling. On the acting side, he will play Yamato-san, a former fishing captain and community elder.
Additional casting includes Kiki Sukezane (Lost in Space) as Yuko, a mysterious woman from Chester’s past; Miki Ishikawa (9-1-1) as Amy, a Nakayama family friend; Shingo Usami (Unbroken) as Henry Nakayama, Chester’s father; and Naoko Mori (Everest) as Asako Nakayama, Chester’s mother.