Tom Holland embarks on a European adventure in the first trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home. But this isn’t a typical Euro trip.
In footage released on Tuesday morning by Sony Pictures, the young superhero doesn’t even bother to pack his Spider-Man costume, saying, “Europe doesn’t really need a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.”
But his plans change in Venice when perturbed spymaster Nick Fury (played by Samuel L. Jackson) shows up to deal with several creature attacks that are plaguing the continent. So Parker swings back into action and encounters the enigmatic criminal Mysterio. Portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal, the villain warns Peter, “You don’t want any part of this,” as he tries to destroy London.
Spider-Man: Far From Home, directed by Jon Watts, hits theaters on July 5. Returning cast members are Zendaya as MJ, Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, Jon Favreau as Harold “Happy” Hogan, and Jacob Batalon as Parker’s best friend Ned.
Sony saw strong results when it released Spider-Man: Homecoming, its latest installment of the hit superhero franchise, in the summer of 2017. The movie grossed $334.2 million in North American and hauled $880.1 million worldwide.