20th Century Fox has premiered a new featurette for their upcoming X-Men film Dark Phoenix, this one highlighting the franchise’s 20th Century Fox legacy with this being the last outing via Fox, after almost twenty years with the studio, before the charters move back home to Marvel studios.
The fourth film of the ‘First Class’ era, the story will adapt the seminal Marvel Comics storyline ‘The Dark Phoenix Saga’ in which Jean Grey is taken over by a dark cosmic entity that will tear her apart. In the process, the X-Men try to stop her from destroying the universe.
Set in 1992, the X-Men have become national heroes and Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) starts sending his X-Men on increasingly dangerous missions until a space-bound rescue sees a solar flare strike the X-Jet, awakening a long-dormant power in Jean Grey (Sophie Turner).
Michael Fassbender, Jessica Chastain, Tye Sheridan, Nicholas Hoult, Alexandra Shipp, Kodi Smit-McPhee, and Evan Peters co-star in the film.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix opens on June 7th.