The horror-comedy series Truth Seekers, which has been acquired by Amazon Prime Video as an original series, according to Variety. The series is from the team of Simon Pegg (Mission: Impossible – Fallout) and Nick Frost (Fighting with My Family).
“Each episode is going to be an adventure, a potential haunting or something,” Pegg said in a statement. “It’ll start as a very parochial idea, a very small business venture for these people, but it will expand as the series goes on to be something far more global. It’s a language everyone understands, the mystery of the unknown. ‘Shaun of the Dead’ was a very parochial story set in North London and somehow it managed to get this global reach because everyone understands the language of zombie movies.”
Nick and I are delighted that ‘Truth Seekers’ has found a home with Amazon Prime Video,” Pegg said in a statement. “We’re looking forward to working closely with them and creating something very special. These are truly exciting times for television, and I can’t think of a better partner than Amazon to accompany us on a return to the smaller screen.”
The duo have been working together onscreen for almost 20 years, starting with the cult hit TV series Spaced, which ran on the BBC channel 4. the pair have also worked together on 2004’s Shaun of the Dead, 2007’s Hot Fuzz and 2013’s The World’s End.