Legendary Comics has announced new graphic novel The Heart Hunter, exploring immortality, love, and greed, from novelist McKelle George (Speak Easy, Speak Love) and artist V. Gagnon (Shout Out anthology). Set for release in late 2020, The Heart Hunter is set on the cursed island of Envecor where everyone is doomed to wear their heart outside their bodies and are immortal—unable to die, to change, to have children—until they find their soul mate.
Once paired, the soul mates turn mortal, are free from the curse, and are able to leave the island. But all fairy tales have a dark side. Those who don’t want to lose their immortality employ “Heart Hunters” to seek out their predestined soul mates and kill them, ensuring everlasting life. Psyche, a Heart Hunter, is hired by the king to kill his soul mate. As she sets out on her quest, she embarks on her own journey of mending her broken heart and learning to trust again.
“McKelle’s original idea and unique storytelling coupled with V. Gagnon’s stunning artwork is going to bring Psyche’s story to life in such a compelling way that fans are sure to enjoy,” said Nikita Kannekanti, Editor of Legendary Comics. “I am thrilled to be working with these two extraordinary creators and cannot wait to release the graphic novel next year.
Fans attending Rose City Comic Con are invited to join the Legendary Comics team and The Heart Hunter creators McKelle George and V. Gagnon as they share secrets about upcoming comic releases at the “Legendary Comics 2019 and Beyond” panel on Saturday, September 14, 2019 from 4:00pm – 5:00pm in Room 6. Attendees will also get updates on previously announced YA releases: Championess and Lupina; get sneak peeks for Lost in Space: Countdown to Danger, Acursian, and Firebrand; and will receive an exclusive Legendary Comics giveaway.