Boxee on Monday revealed that it’s switching the Boxee Box away from the NVIDIA Tegra 2 platform to Intel’s Atom CE4100 processor. The company wants to guarantee 1080p HD streaming which they belive Intel Atom will do better. NVIDIA’s hardware can handle 1080p, but only in VC-1 and not the more popular H.264 format.
Unlike Apple, Boxee intends its service to be an open platform useful for as much Internet video as possible and has even jumped to an H L5-friendly WebKit browser to support the web standard as it evolves.
Boxee says the switch does not require a significant change in software but does bumps the official price up to $229. The unit is already available for pre-order at Amazon and stil carries the originally promised $199 price at the time of this writing. The unit wil still ship to North America in November. It will stil be sold by D-link.