T-Mobile this morning responded to cheaper plans from the other major carriers with new data plans of its own. The company is now offering a 200MB plan for light smartphone use at prices below others. Those willing to re-sign a contract can pay as little as $10 a month; those unwilling to extend their terms can get the same bandwidth for $15 per month.
Like Verizon, T-Mobile is keeping its unlimited data plan. It will still be priced at $30. The carrier has usually implemented a soft cap where use past 5GB is potentially subject to throttling if the user is bogging down the network during a peak time.
Tethering is also now an official option and gives those with Android, such as the G2, or other platforms that support it. Adding it requires both the regular $30 smartphone plan to avoid hitting caps quickly, plus the $15 tethering plan.
All of the new plan changes should take effect November 3.