AT&T has launched Samsung’s Evergreen, a messaging handset geared for environmentally conscious consumers. The phone is made of 70 percent recycled post-consumer plastics, while the packaging is assembled with 80 percent recycled post-consumer paper.
The Evergreen features a 2.4-inch display, standard numeric keypad, and a slide-out QWERTY keyboard. Users can take advantage of a 2.0-megapixel camera, which is capable of capturing stills or recording video. The device supports dual-band 3G connectivity, along with quad-band GSM.
The phone also meets RoHS standards which prohibits the use of toxic chemicals such as PVC, BFRs, and Beryllium. Samsung also includes an Energy Star spec charger which draws less than 0.03W on standby.
AT&T is set to offer the Evergreen on November 7 for $30 after a $50 mail-in rebate. Customers must sign a two-year agreement with a $20/month messaging or data plan.