Smartphone maker Nokia on Monday announced on Twitter that its E7 smartphone will ship on December 10 in some markets. The phone is likely to arrive in Europe first. Like the flagship candybar N8, the device uses Symbian^3 and an aluminum shell but adds a tilting display and a hardware QWERTY keyboard.
Likewise retained is the 4-inch, 640×360 AMOLED display, although it steps down to an eight-megapixel camera with 720P video recording. Symbian’s new OS supports multi-touch and multiple home screens with widgets. Storage tops out at 16GB, with Wi-Fi and 10.2Mbps 3G support built-in as well.
The E7 is expected to cost the equivalent of $640 in Europe before any subsidies. In North America, the handset should support AT&T, T-Mobile USA and all Canadian providers.