HP has introduced its latest Mini netbook meant for business users, the Mini 1103. The 10.1-inch, 1024×600 LED-backlit screen faces a keyboard that’s 93 percent the size of a full-sized notebook’s, and the device weighs just short of 2.8lbs with a three-cell battery. A 1.66GHz Atom CPU is standard fare, though a 1.83GHz N475 is optional, and while there’s support for 2GB of DDR3 RAM, only 1GB systems will ship from HP.
Windows 7 Starter Edition is preloaded onto the 160GB, 7,200PRM hard drive, along with options for SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 and FreeDOS and 250GB or 320GB hard drives. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are built into all models, and an HP Mobile Broadband module is a choice for 3G. A six-cell battery will be offered as an option.
Pricing for the basic Mini 1103 starts at $300, but HP hasn’t said when the netbook will ship.