The delayed iOS 4.2 update will finally be released later today, Apple has announced. No specific time has been pegged. The firmware is the first version of iOS 4 to reach the iPad, and makes several feature upgrades, such as support for streaming music, photos and video to an Apple TV via AirPlay, and printing to a handful of HP printers by way of AirPrint. Apple notes that greater printer support and AirPlay-compatible speaker options are expected over the course of the next several months.
Apple has also announced that Find My iPhone is now a free service. People must however download the Find My iPhone app from the App Store, and have an iPad, iPhone 4 or fourth-generation iPod touch. The company has also opened up direct TV show rentals to iPad owners, giving them a standard 30-day start window and a 48-hour completion time.
In Safari, users should now be able to find and highlight text.