Lenovo has brought out two IdeaPad notebooks that are the first known to be using processors based on Intel’s Sandy Bridge architecture. The 14-inch Y460p and 15.6-inch Y560p will use the newer chips, up to and including the quad 2GHz Core i7 in the Y560p. Moving to the faster processors will also let buyers pick up to 8GB of 1,333MHz DDR3 memory.
The Lenovo is not disclosing full specs until launch, but the systems will have the option of a hybrid solid-state and hard drive option that combines a 32GB SSD with a regular hard drive to improve the overall responsiveness. Either will have JBL speakers with Dolby Home Theater encoding, and at least the Y560p will get disk options up to 750GB.
Lenovo is already prepared to commit to pricing for the notebooks, which will start from $849. They should ship on January 11, or about a week after Intel unveils Sandy Bridge at CES. Other processors known to be coming should include dual Core i5 and i7 processors ranging from 2.5GHz to 2.7GHz, though it remains to be seen how many of these will reach the IdeaPads.